Friday 2 October 2015

Caterpillar to Butterfly..

How many of you have a childhood memory of running around to catch a beautiful butterfly?  I would run around to catch a butterfly and later get disappointed as I missed it. 

Alright, let me come back to topic. Do you know how that beautiful butterfly takes birth from ugly looking caterpillar?

Scientific studies say that one day, the caterpillar stops eating, hangs upside down from a twig or leaf and spins itself a silky cocoon into a shiny chrysalis. Within its protective casing, the caterpillar radically transforms its body, eventually emerging as a butterfly.

What happens inside a cocoon?

First, the caterpillar digests itself, releasing enzymes to dissolve all of its tissues. It grows an imaginary disc for each of the adult body parts it will need as a mature butterfly or moth—discs for its eyes, for its wings, its legs and so on. Later through complex biological process Caterpillar emerges out from cocoon as a beautiful butterfly.

Isn't it too much pain for Caterpillar to go through. Why can't it give up and live happily as Caterpillar? But then I thought it will never fly if it gives up.

Now put yourself in place of Caterpillar when you face challenges in life or working hard towards your dream. It could be a job challenge, going through a health situation, tough time handling finances, going through emotional roller-coaster in relationships, building a start-up or business. Etc. What is your thinking?

Are you thinking to give up?

Are you thinking it’s too much to handle?

But then remember if you give up you will never fly.

There was this person who was watching Caterpillar in the process of becoming a butterfly. He saw Caterpillar struggling to come out of the cocoon. He thought of helping it by cut open the cocoon. Caterpillar dies right there. Little did he know that the very struggle to come out of cocoon increases blood flow to wings, it starts flapping its wings and that is how it learns flying.

When you are trying to become butterfly some people can't see you going through pain, they want to help you by giving their opinion. They can be your friends, parents, relatives, siblings. It is not that these people are bad. Their intentions about you are good, but they don't know that you are born to become a butterfly not to die as a caterpillar.

Remember next time when you are going through the situation that you are in the process of becoming butterfly :)