Tuesday 29 September 2015

Excitement... :)

Sometimes I get bored with the routine and get excited about something new Like I am blogging now. 

As I was thinking about the topic to get started with my new hobby, thought let me start with excitement because I am excited right now as I am typing this post.

There is always some sort of excitement and joy when you do something for the first time. Be it the first day in school, first time pedalling bi-cycle, first day @ job, first time on the treadmill, the first time in flight, first time sky diving, a new hobby, first trip to a new country and many more...

And I have always found that excitement going down as we continue to do what we are doing. I believe most of you also feel the same. We were excited because it was unknown and there was an urge to learn something new. As we start feeling that I know it, we are no more excited. That is the reason most of us feel bored at whatever we are doing and seek excitement.

I often hear from friends "It's getting bored, let's go somewhere or do something else". I think one day we will be bored of doing that also.

So the only way to stay excited is to have an attitude to learn something new every day.

Read somewhere that "Excitement gets people started but it takes discipline to finish".

That's all in my first blog. stay connected and be excited until I bring more to you... :)